The code below keeps failing.
Dim i_pwd As Variant
i_pwd = InputBox("Please Enter Password to Unhide Sheet", "Unhide Sheet...")
If i_pwd = "" Then
Exit Sub
End If
Select Case LCase(i_pwd)
Case Is = "ryan72"
Worksheets("Ryan - Summary").Visible = True
Sheets("Ryan - Summary ").Select
A message pops up saying, 'Incorrect Password...'
I know the password is correct, I am not sure about the Data Type though.
Can someone please give me some guidance?
Thanks so much,
Dim i_pwd As Variant
i_pwd = InputBox("Please Enter Password to Unhide Sheet", "Unhide Sheet...")
If i_pwd = "" Then
Exit Sub
End If
Select Case LCase(i_pwd)
Case Is = "ryan72"
Worksheets("Ryan - Summary").Visible = True
Sheets("Ryan - Summary ").Select
A message pops up saying, 'Incorrect Password...'
I know the password is correct, I am not sure about the Data Type though.
Can someone please give me some guidance?
Thanks so much,