What is the Correct Data Type?



The code below keeps failing.
Dim i_pwd As Variant

i_pwd = InputBox("Please Enter Password to Unhide Sheet", "Unhide Sheet...")
If i_pwd = "" Then
Exit Sub
End If

Select Case LCase(i_pwd)
Case Is = "ryan72"
Worksheets("Ryan - Summary").Visible = True
Sheets("Ryan - Summary ").Select

A message pops up saying, 'Incorrect Password...'
I know the password is correct, I am not sure about the Data Type though.
Can someone please give me some guidance?

Thanks so much,


This Data Type appears to be working:
Dim i_pwd As String

I could swear that In tried it before and it didn't work. I guess I posted
my question too quickly; a little trial and error would have revealed a
solution in the same amount of time.


Dave Peterson

I don't think it was the declaration--although I would have use "as String",

I don't think you typed in the correct password in the inputbox.

Or something else happened in the part of your code that you didn't share.


I'm fairly certain that I typed the correct password. I thought it had
something to do with the number, the 72-part. I tried it with another
password, such as 'showryan', and that worked, but the 'ryan72' didn't
work...at least at first. I thought the 72-part was not considered text so
it wouldn't work as a String. I don't know what the problem was, but it
appears to be resolved now. Thanks, for getting back to me Dave.


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