As Jeanette mentioned, you could use a combo box on a form to select a
"single" county, or you could use a listbox with the Multiselect property set
to "simple" or "extended". If you go this route, you would also need to have
a command button to execute the query, report, or to open a form with the
query results. The code in the click event of this command button would look
something like:
Private sub cmd_Report_Click
Dim strSQL as String, strCounties as string
dim varItem as variant
For each varItem in me.lst_Counties.ItemsSelected
strCounties = strCounties & "," & chr$(34) _
& me.lst_Counties.columns(0, varItem) _
& chr$(34)
Next varItem
Select Case me.lst_Counties.ItemsSelected
Case 0
'do nothing
Case 1
strSQL = strSQL & "WHERE [FieldName] = " _
& Mid(strCounties, 2)
Case Else
strSQL = strSQL & "WHERE [FieldName] IN(" _
& Mid(strCounties, 2) & ")"
End Select
'At this point, what you do with strSQL will be dependant
'on whether you are opening a query, a report or a form
Debug.print strSQL
end sub
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