What is the difference between a blank cell and a (blank) cell in Pivot Table ?



I 'paste special' two columns A and B from sheet1 to columns C and D
in sheet2 (i.e. col A --> col C and col B --> col D). Column A
contains either a customer number (all are numeric digits) or nothing
whereas Column B use a formula to determine whether it contains
nothing or a customer name (all are alpha-numeric values).

In Sheet 2, I use Pivot Table to generate a report containing columns
C and D. For those cells in Col C whose corresponding source cells in
Col A are blank, nothing is shown in these cells. However, for those
cells in Col D whose corresponding source cells in Col B are blank,
"(blank)" is shown in these cells.

Why for cells containing nothing, Pivot Table shows nothing OR
"(blank)" ?


Thanks for your response.
Yes, there are other columns containing numeric data to be summarized
to the left of column D.Column C containing account number (pasted
from Column A) is used to get a total for all accounts having the same
account number when I use the pivot table.
Do you have further thought on this?

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