what is the difference



what is the difference between using excel worksheets to add vba controls
and using forms to do the same.
I mean we can add vba controls,say comboboxes ,listboxes in worksheets we
can also use a form to do the same thing ,what is the differencewhat are the
merits or demerits,
thank you

Dick Kusleika


There may be some subtle differences between the actual controls, but they
are by and large the same. The difference is in how you want to present
them and navigation. With a form, you can use Multipages to group similar
controls and give the interface a whole different feel (like a wizard) that
you don't get on a worksheet. You tab to navigate between the controls on a
form, but the user has a lot more places to roam on a worksheet. Thos are
the differences as I see them.

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