what is the formula for =if x =1



This is a really easy one but I cant find how to do this function anywhere.
It is an IF then statement but it is not working.

Jacob Skaria

Do you mean

=IF(A1=1,"A1 is 1","A1 is not 1")

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Well, make your x a reference to a cell. Put this in A1 to A5:

Now, put thins in B1:
=IF(A1=1,"Found 1","No 1 Here")

Go to the lower right hand corner of cell B1, when you see the black cross,
hold the mouse button down and drag the mouse down 5 rows.


David Biddulph

=IF(X1=1,"do one thing if X is 1","do the other thing if X isn't 1")

The function, as you rightly said, is IF, and if you type the word IF into
Excel help it will tell you the syntax and how the function works.
Your problem description "it is not working" can scarcely be described as
the most specific diagnostic information that we have ever seen, so if you
don't want to test our clairvoyant powers you may need to give us more
information, such a what formula you tried, what error message (if any) you
got, what data values you were feeding into the formula, what results you
got, and what results you expected to get.

Gord Dibben

I'm not surprised that it's not working.

What is "x" and what do you want to do if it equals 1?

=IF(A1=1,"what to do", "if not, what to do")

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

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