what is the Function for reducing balance depriciation?


Shane Devenshire


I think this may be what you want:

DB(cost, salvage, number of periods, period, [month])

The last parameter month is optional. It allows for a broken first and last
period of depreciation. i.e. If the item was purchased at the start of month
10 in the first period then the first period should only have three months of
depreciation in it and the last period will only have 9 months of
depreciation left in it. If omitted then the function assumes that the full
12 months depreciation applies in the first period. This option does not have
to a be an integer, for example 2.5 months could be used. When using this
option be sure to calculate the depreciation amount in the final part period
which will be the number of periods + 1 th period.

If an item was purchased for $20,000 to be depreciated over 3 years with an
expected residual or salvage value of $10,000 then the function would be (for
the first period):


The function would return $4,120

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