What is the maximum file size of a OneNote 2003 section


Ravi Iyer

I am creating a longitudinal document with images using OneNote 2003. As each
successive page is added to the various sections of the note I am concerned
that the file size of the various sections may grow to a size that makes is
difficult to save and open the document. What are the limits to the size of a
OneNote section or multiple Sections in a OneNote document?

Benoit Barabe \(MS\)

Load/Save is very incremental. Hence, it is not much affected by the file
size. From memory, the file size limit per section is 2GB (don't hold me on
this!), but for practical reasons, I would highly recommend you stay way off
these limits.

Large file sizes will slow down backups (both internal to OneNote and your
own backups), be hard to move around, result in significant data loss if
ever something bad was to happen to it (like a hard disk problem) and will
impact perf if they are not stored locally.

A max of few hundred megs per section should be just fine. There's no limit
to the number of sections. Also, long pages do tend to be slower to load,
especially if it is just one continuous text region, so splitting in
multiple pages will help.

Hope this helps,
OneNote Development.

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