What is the most efficient image file type (Size Vs Quality)?



Looking for a way to reduce the size of a document with numerous print screen
dumps whilst retaining the quality of the images (150 -200).

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Morgan,

Generally, using a program that can do screen captures and save them to disk in a format of your choice (http://irfanview.com is
one) and then using Word's Insert=>Picture feature to add the pictures can give you better control of the format, size and picture

The standard choices in Word for 'print screen' key captures is a Bitmap and those are generally not efficient as to file size.
Word's 'compress picture' feature typically doesn't take much out of pasted screen captures as far as size of the file goes if
selecting 'print' quality is selected.

As to quality of the image, are these documents going to be printed to paper, or converted to PDF files or read onscreen? Do you
have the originals saved anywhere but in the document?

Looking for a way to reduce the size of a document with numerous print screen dumps whilst retaining the quality of the images
(150 -200).>>

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*

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