What is the Product ID?



The reason I'm asking is I show two (2) product ID's for Professional 2007 in
"Balarc Advisor." I had Enterprise 2007 installed but recently replaced it
with a retail version of 2007 and am trying to remove all remnants from the
computer. Does the Product ID reflect the version of the program or is it an
individual identity for each disc? (as is the product key.)


You would have needed to uninstall Enterprise, reboot, then install Pro from
media. If you didnt do that you will still have Enterprise installed


Yes... I uninstalled Enterprise first

DL said:
You would have needed to uninstall Enterprise, reboot, then install Pro from
media. If you didnt do that you will still have Enterprise installed


Yes, I uninstallend Enterprise then installed Professional from media. The
question I had was regarding ProductID and what it designates.. the version
or something specific to the product disc.

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