Posting a reminder in Outlook - what is it's purpose? It is not a Flag, it's
not a Note feature.
I'm able to click the file menu, point to new, and select Post in this folder.
I can type a subject and a message, then click post.
Outlook now posts my reminder in the folder I'm currently in.
So, now I have a little icon type note in my email with a thumb tack thru
I don't understand the business purpose of using this feature....can someone
not a Note feature.
I'm able to click the file menu, point to new, and select Post in this folder.
I can type a subject and a message, then click post.
Outlook now posts my reminder in the folder I'm currently in.
So, now I have a little icon type note in my email with a thumb tack thru
I don't understand the business purpose of using this feature....can someone