What is the right way to create a new instance of Access Runtime?


Jeff Hall

I have an application which I am distributing as an MSAccess 2003 Runtime.

The system initially launches an MDE file which loads and manages my main
database files.

I am writing a file management module which requires the main MDE to be
unloaded (because the database can be one of the files that is being
manipulated). I then want to run the file_mgt.mde file

I am doing this using

Set accApp = CreateObject("Access.Application")
accApp.OpenCurrentDatbase currentproject.path & "/file_mgt.mde"

The trouble is that on all systems that don't have a full valid Access 2003
license installed, the CreatObject method generates an error ...
"License information for this component not found"
On a system that generates the error, I can open the file_mgt.mde app from
file manager without error.

Clearly I'm failing to open an instance of the RUNTIME Access that I've
installed on their machine and it is attempting to run a licensed version
of Access 2003.

Am I going about this the right way?


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