What is the shortcut key for Find Next?



In older versions of word and in most othe Windows applications that I use, I
can press Ctrl+F to find text and then later, after having closed the find
window, I could press F3 to "Find Next".

What is the "Find Next" keystroke in Word now? I have attempted to override
the keys with custom settings and the behavior is quirky. The "BrowseNext"
command seems to be the closest thing to what "Find Next" used to be, but it
is not quite right.

I work with large documents (hundreds of pages) and therefore needed to
program the GoToPrevPage and GoToNextPage to respond to the "Ctrl+PgDn" and
"Ctrl+PgUp" keystrokes. If I search for text and then use my newly
programmed F3 key, all is well -- it finds the next instance of the text I
specified originally. However, if I subsequently use the GoToPrevPage or
GoToNextPage commands, the next time I press F3, it searches for the next

This behavior makes no sense to me and is completely useless from the
standpoint of managing large documents. The defaults are worse, so at least
I've made it a little bit better, but there has to be a better way.

Does anyone have any ideas as to how to make these keystrokes work in a much
more intuitive way?


Graham Mayor

Word, as with previous versions, browses by the option set in 'browse by'.
If you change the browse by option from find to page then CTRL+Page Up/Down
(or Shift +F4) goes to the next/previous page. If you wish to revert to Find
(with the same find option) then change the browse by option (little button
bottom of the vertical scroll bar) and CTRL+Page Up/Down reverts to find.

F3 (as with previous versions) is used to insert Autotext entries.

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>

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