What is unmeasured shapes?



I cannnot understand the meaning of "unmeasured shapes" and "measured shapes"
in the description about DropOnPageScale Cell in the Visio help. Plese help

Thanks in advance.

Mark Nelson [MS]

Hi JuneTheSecond,

Good question. Here's a quick summary. DropOnPageScale is a Read-Only
cell. Visio sets the value of this cell when a shape is dropped on a page.

Every master shape has a scale, which is defined by the PageScale divided by
the Drawing Scale cells on the Pagesheet of the master. The drawing page
itself has a scale as well. When you drop a shape on a page, Visio compares
the shape scale with the page scale to see if they are similar. If the
shape scale and page scale are different by a factor greater than 8 times,
Visio resizes the shape instead of matches the current scale.

Technically, it can be hard to understand. Really Visio is simply trying to
make sure that your shape does not appear extremely large or extremely tiny
in the drawing. DropOnPageScale is the way that you can tell whether Visio
had to resize the shape.

Mark Nelson
Office Graphics - Visio
Microsoft Corporation

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.


Lot of thanks, Mark.
Now, I see the key is the diffrence of shape scale and page scale.
I've forgot the pages cale.
Thank you again.


It seems to me that unmeasured shape means a shpe
of DrawingScaleType=0. DrawingScaleType cell is in
the Page Properties section under each master shape.

Is it true?

Mark Nelson [MS]

I'm not sure. My understanding is that Visio uses the PageScale and
DrawingScale values and checks whether they are equal.

Mark Nelson
Office Graphics - Visio
Microsoft Corporation

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

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