What is wrong?


Stanko Milosev

For this:

[Forms]![frmPretragaPoLekovima]![sfrmPretragaPoLeku]. _
[Form]![sfrmLekPretraga].Form.RecordSource = strSql

I get this error:

"You entered an expression that has an invalid reference to the property

Does anyone know why?

sfrmPretragaPoLeku is subform inside form frmPretragaPoLeku, and
sfrmLekPretraga is subform inside subform sfrmPretragaPoLeku.

John Vinson

For this:

[Forms]![frmPretragaPoLekovima]![sfrmPretragaPoLeku]. _
[Form]![sfrmLekPretraga].Form.RecordSource = strSql

I get this error:

"You entered an expression that has an invalid reference to the property

Try putting the reference all on one line (it doesn't matter if it
scrolls off to the right); also - and probably more likely - be aware
that the subform reference must be to the Name property *of the
Subform control*, not to the name of the Form object within that

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