What just happened? Keeping track of changes



Is there any way to identify what has changed when doing Timesheet approvals
in Web Access - Before and after for completion date and Work Effort - Maybe
use baseline fields?

I want to be able to see the previous percentage complete, so when I click
update tasks, I can then see where he/she is at now, as well as how he/she
was previously, as far as % work complete or % complete.


Marc Soester

Hi Ryan,

Project Server has no "history" tracking as such. You will need to capture
the %complete differently if you want to keep the history of each week. One
way of doing this is to extport a view to Excel and saving it, before
updating the Project with the new time information. At least you will have
some kind of "Versioning" or history tracking this way.

I hope this helps


Hi Ryan --

To help identify changes from one status period to the next, you could
do the following within Project Pro:

1. Identify which fields / values you would like to track from one
status period to the next; we'll use "% Complete" in this example

2. Create a custom field to save a "snapshot" for each of these fields;
in our example, we'll use the "Number1" field and rename it to "Last %

3. Create a view in Project Pro which displays each of the fields of
interest, as well as the custom "snapshot" fields that we created; in
our example, we'll create a view which displays the "% Complete" and
"Last % Complete" columns

4. After the Team Members' task updates have been processed for the
status period, copy the values from the fields of interest into the
custom "snapshot" fields; in our example, after we've accepted Team
Member task updates, we'll copy the values from the "% Complete" column
into the "Last % Complete" column

When we come back to accept Team Member task updates again for the next
status period, we'll have the "snapshot" values from the last period
for comparison.

A couple of notes:

1. If you'd like to make the custom "snapshot" values visible in PWA...
for all projects... then you will need to use Enterprise Task Custom
Fields when you create the custom "snapshot" fields... then create new
or customize existing PWA views to display the information

2. Copying the values of interest into the custom "snapshot" fields can
be automated with a macro to save some mouseclicks / keystrokes.

If you'd like more detailed explanations of how to perform any of the
steps described here, please post a reply with your questions.

Good luck!

Tony Zink

Kesari Suresh

Hi Tony,
In this case how can i store the history for further viewing?

Kesari Suresh.

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