What kind of chart?


Wendy Moncur

I have a chart of times vs dates, where an event can occur
many times during a day.

for example, my table is written thus:
Mon Tue Wed Thu
0700 0730 0700 0800
0730 0800 0830

I would like the chart to appear something like this:

0900 X
0800 X X
0700 X X
Mon Tue Wed Thu

In the table, I don't want a different line for each time,
because they are actually a minute apart, and are
copy&pasted from another app.

In the chart I would like to have some marker (a dot) at
the time where it occurred, and one day's woth of times
should stack directly on top of each other.

I have had a play with various chart types, but I can't see
one that fits my needs.

Any help?


Gary Klass

I think you want a scatter chart. Enter 1,2,3,4,5,6,7, as the days and
Format the days using a custom number format: dddd
Format | Cells | Number -- custom dddd (or ddd)

You may also need a custom format for the times: 0000

The chart wizard should do what you want automatically with your data
set up as it is.

The days are your X series and the times the y-series. Set the minimum
I have a chart of times vs dates, where an event can occur
many times during a day.

for example, my table is written thus:
Mon Tue Wed Thu
0700 0730 0700 0800
0730 0800 0830

I would like the chart to appear something like this:

0900 X
0800 X X
0700 X X
Mon Tue Wed Thu

In the table, I don't want a different line for each time,
because they are actually a minute apart, and are
copy&pasted from another app.

In the chart I would like to have some marker (a dot) at
the time where it occurred, and one day's woth of times
should stack directly on top of each other.

I have had a play with various chart types, but I can't see
one that fits my needs.

Any help?


Gary Klass
(e-mail address removed)
Editor, PSRT-L
4600 Politics and Government
Illinois State University
Normal, Illinois 61790
(309) 438-7852
(fax) 438-7638
The Chart of the Week: http://LILT.ILSTU.EDU/gmklass/cow

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