I control several conference rooms. I organize all conference rooms
scheduled for technical support using one calendar. I had six appointments
in the calendar that overlaped the same hours during the day. I attempted to
add another conference room appointment during the same times slot with these
other six appointments. I could create the appointment and save a test
appointment but the appointment would disappear once I changed the time to
occur during the time of the other six appointments.
Is this a limit within Outlook or is there a place to change the limit?
scheduled for technical support using one calendar. I had six appointments
in the calendar that overlaped the same hours during the day. I attempted to
add another conference room appointment during the same times slot with these
other six appointments. I could create the appointment and save a test
appointment but the appointment would disappear once I changed the time to
occur during the time of the other six appointments.
Is this a limit within Outlook or is there a place to change the limit?