I am using SheetActivate to run a macro to position the cursor in a specified
cell with the selected cell being in the top row, regardless of where the
cell may have been when the worksheet was last active. I'm doing it by
selecting a cell in the macro that is in a row further down in the worksheet
and in a column further to the right than will display when the cell I want
is selected. I then select the desired cell and the cursor is positioned as
I want it. Everything works just fine. But, are there Excel commands that
will turn off the page refresh and subsequently turn it back on to prevent
the screen flicker when the cursor is repositioned? Thanks.
cell with the selected cell being in the top row, regardless of where the
cell may have been when the worksheet was last active. I'm doing it by
selecting a cell in the macro that is in a row further down in the worksheet
and in a column further to the right than will display when the cell I want
is selected. I then select the desired cell and the cursor is positioned as
I want it. Everything works just fine. But, are there Excel commands that
will turn off the page refresh and subsequently turn it back on to prevent
the screen flicker when the cursor is repositioned? Thanks.