What Office product tracks multi-team calendar entries (50/day)



The Task
We have 20 support teams each with 10 members. The 20 teams are then
divided into four different support categories. For each of the 200
individuals, we need to track 'time out of the office' for training,
vaccation, sick time, etc. The teams are spread across two timezones.

o The entries will be made by the 20 frontLine managers and the entries
need to
be visible to all 210 members of the organization.
o Some of the entries are re-occurring type entries (i.e. Monday-Friday,
Monday of the week, etc.)
o All entries need to be visible, or at least accessible from one page or
''dash-board' tyep GUI
o We need one calendar that allows a one place to go if someone is looking to
see if there's enough coverage for their support speciallty when they
want to
requesst a day off.

Problems encountered with Outlook:
o Outlook has a limitation for us when displaying appoinments across
time zones. There's a propogation problem and remote appointments
appear to the local user with the correct times.
o If the number of "All Day" appointments are too many for any one day, they
are not easily viewed on one screen.
o to limit the display problems, we tried setting up separate calendars
for each
of the four support categories, but the end users wereconfused which
calendar to look for any one person or avilable time off for their team.

So what do you think...?


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