David Thielen
When the installer is running, on Vista it generally is NOT the same
user as when running Office but instead is an administrator. The
registry keys need to be accessable to the user running.
Keys we set are:
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Windward Studios\Auto Tag License=...
And AutoTagShim.dll we register in HKCR using:
<File Id="libsAutoTagShim_dll" LongName="AutoTagShim.dll"
Name="AUTOTS9.DLL" src="$(var.srcFolder)\libs\AutoTagShim.dll"
KeyPath="yes" SelfRegCost="0"/>
We also need to create an event log named AutoTag if one does not
exist. This requires write permission to
HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Eventlog. What is the best way
to set this up so the event log can be created if it does not already
1. What permissions should the keys be set to?
2. If we overwrite an existing key, do we need to keep the old
permissions too?
3. We are using WIX to install this - anything special we need to do?
thanks - dave
david@[email protected]
Windward Reports -- http://www.WindwardReports.com
me -- http://dave.thielen.com
Cubicle Wars - http://www.windwardreports.com/film.htm
When the installer is running, on Vista it generally is NOT the same
user as when running Office but instead is an administrator. The
registry keys need to be accessable to the user running.
Keys we set are:
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Windward Studios\Auto Tag License=...
And AutoTagShim.dll we register in HKCR using:
<File Id="libsAutoTagShim_dll" LongName="AutoTagShim.dll"
Name="AUTOTS9.DLL" src="$(var.srcFolder)\libs\AutoTagShim.dll"
KeyPath="yes" SelfRegCost="0"/>
We also need to create an event log named AutoTag if one does not
exist. This requires write permission to
HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Eventlog. What is the best way
to set this up so the event log can be created if it does not already
1. What permissions should the keys be set to?
2. If we overwrite an existing key, do we need to keep the old
permissions too?
3. We are using WIX to install this - anything special we need to do?
thanks - dave
david@[email protected]
Windward Reports -- http://www.WindwardReports.com
me -- http://dave.thielen.com
Cubicle Wars - http://www.windwardreports.com/film.htm