What players need to be distributed?


Fred Barrett

I am distributing a Word doc for the purposes of training. I am embedding avi files. What players do I have to include on my CD to ensure that everyone can see them

Word Viewer
Windows Media Player


Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Fred,

Generally for an AVI file you wouldn't need to distribute
a media player as its part of Windows (although you
may be using newer version specific features) and
for corporate customers they may not allow software
to be installed by their employees. Both of the
packages you mentioned would need to be installed
to run.

If I recall correctly their isn't support in the
Word viewer for embedded objects, you'd get a
static picture of the first frame. You can, however,
play an embedded AVI file in a Word document in
Windows Wordpad, included with Windows.

You may also want to check on the MS download
site to see what MS permits for redistributing
Media Player. You can distribute the downloaded
Word 97/2000 viewer package as downloaded.

Also note that the Word viewer does not support
the newer features added in Word 2000 through 2003.
Use the settting to disable features not available
in Word 97 in Tools=>Options=>Save when preparing
your materials to avoid surprises :)

You may want to consider using HTML/MHT formats
or others for distributing if you think your audience
may not have MS Word.

==========I am distributing a Word doc for the purposes of training. I am embedding avi files. What players do I have to include on my CD to
ensure that everyone can see them?

Word Viewer?
Windows Media Player?

Thanks. <<
I hope this helps you,

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*

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Fred Barrett

Thanks Bob

I'll just make sure that everyone knows that Windows and Word are required to view the document (which isn't a big problem for the product we are distributing Windows 2000 or XP are already requirements).

One other thing about embedded avi files that I've discovered is that the path to the avi file seems to be hard coded. So if I copy these files to a CD it prompts for the file location everytime an avi is selected to view. Is there a way to make that path relative? Or no path if they're both in the same folder

Thanks........................Fred Barret

----- Bob Buckland ?:) wrote: ----

Hi Fred

Generally for an AVI file you wouldn't need to distribut
a media player as its part of Windows (although yo
may be using newer version specific features) an
for corporate customers they may not allow softwar
to be installed by their employees. Both of th
packages you mentioned would need to be installe
to run

If I recall correctly their isn't support in th
Word viewer for embedded objects, you'd get
static picture of the first frame. You can, however
play an embedded AVI file in a Word document i
Windows Wordpad, included with Windows

You may also want to check on the MS downloa
site to see what MS permits for redistributin
Media Player. You can distribute the downloade
Word 97/2000 viewer package as downloaded

Also note that the Word viewer does not suppor
the newer features added in Word 2000 through 2003
Use the settting to disable features not availabl
in Word 97 in Tools=>Options=>Save when preparin
your materials to avoid surprises :

You may want to consider using HTML/MHT format
or others for distributing if you think your audienc
may not have MS Word

=========I am distributing a Word doc for the purposes of training. I am embedding avi files. What players do I have to include on my CD t
ensure that everyone can see them

Word Viewer
Windows Media Player

Thanks. <
I hope this helps you

Bob Buckland ?:-
MS Office System Products MV

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends

The Office 2003 System parts explaine

MS on 'Why Office System 2003


Hi Fre

Sounds like you "linked" the file to the document. If you "embed" the avi it will be saved in the word document file (makes file bigger) but everything is contained in the word document and you can just distribute it

When you insert an object in word there is an option to link the file or not. Leave the check box unchecked.

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