What replaces Microsoft Image Composer 1.5



I have used MS Image Composer since buying my first copy of FrontPage. I just
bought a new computer with VISTA and I want to buy the latest edition of
FrontPage. am worried that Image Composer my not work with Vista. What
graphic program has replaced Composer? Thanks.

Mark Fitzpatrick

I don't think anything ever really replaced it. MS had one app, if I
remember correctly, that came with Office 2000 called PhotoDraw, but nothing
since then. They re-focused on publishing with MS Publisher as opposed to
image editing.

Thomas A. Rowe

Have tried installing IC to see if it will work?

The replace was PhotoDraw, then Digital Image

Thomas A. Rowe
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage


Ken Lyon

I really like a picture editor called paint.net, not to be confused with the
paint that comes with your pc. I've tried several and paid for some, but
this freebie has just the right combination of simplicity and power for me.
It's at


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