What software do I use?



MS customer support can't give me an answer to this so I'm hoping one of you
We sell gift cards into stores. Each store launch will have, say, 10
components (ie 10 different gift cards, eg Visa $20, Xstore $50). One
project = one store launch.
For each launch we have a specifiable process, eg swipe test cards, evaluate
in IT, code development, product testing, deployment (in reality 15 steps).
Transition between each step is accompanied by change of project assignee,
and by a need to notify particular stakeholders. The process may not be
linear for all components, for instance if a card fails in test, notification
and ownership of the problem transfers back to the implementation team, who
try again and send it back, etc etc.
Each project will have accompanying information which should be available
for inspection and adding to at each stage, for example testing logs.
We need to have an overview of all projects at any time by user-defined
criteria, generate reports of projects slipping behind at any stage, be able
to drill down for project/component details.
My thinking was MS Project Professional (and Project Server and Project Web
Access) with a document attached (does this require SharePoint?) - will we
need something else to manage workflow, or will we get this from Project?
Would you tackle the problem this way, or would you start off with Sharepoint
and Workflow whatsit? Is there an experienced MS developer who can advise
me? - my job is to come up with a plausible Microsoft solution which we can
Thanks! Sian

Ben Howard

Project Server 2007 will help manage this for you, it sits ontop of WSS (and
you can store documents, issues, risks etc there) but there is not
requirement for MOSS.

Regarding workflow, this implies to me an automated process for well defined
and time limited processes, eg customer logging systems where I can raise
exceptions if a call is outstanding for X hours.... In my experience,
projects rarely fall into such a restrictive set of criteria. However, if
you decide to go via the workflow route then you could develop your own or
use a 3rd party (k2.net or similiar). If you develop your own then you may
need MOSS and sharepoint designer (for simple workflow), or you'll probably
use visual studio for more complex workflow.

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