What the hells going on here????



Why won't this work....no problem but everytime i try to click associated
button, Word comes up with an error and closes down!!!

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
ActiveDocument.HasRoutingSlip = True
With ActiveDocument.RoutingSlip
.Subject = "Request for Claim"
.AddRecipient ("Cindy Van Dongen")
.AddRecipient ("Cindy Van Dongen")
.Message = "Hi - this is another test."
.Delivery = wdAllAtOnce
End With
End Sub

Klaus Linke

Hi Cindy,

I have no experience with this at all, but it seems strange to send the doc
to the same person at the same time twice... maybe Word doesn't like that?
Word can be pretty sensitive, especially in more advanced features, and
crashes when you enter something unexpected.



I just put my own name in there because of the fact that this is a public web
thing but in the code I have two different names.

Klaus Linke

Hi Cindy,

I tried it with some valid email addresses, and it worked fine.
When I used names, I got an error message if there was more than one mail
address for that name in the Outlook addresses.

It didn't crash, though.

Maybe someone else with more experience can help you. If you don't get a
reply in this thread in the next few days, you might want to start another


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