what to do with my data?




I'm new to Ms Access, I have been sent 32 DVD's through the mail from OJIN
http://www.ojd.state.or.us/ojin/index.htm . Each DVD contains mounds of
data with no file extention at all. Each file can be opened with any txt
editor, but they are so large most editors like notepad or word take over 20
min. to open them. These DVD's are Oregon's criminal database going as far
back as 1989. They contain 10 - 15 seperate files on each DVD, and each DVD
is full or almost full, so over 120 gigs of info here.

The purpose of these DVD's are to eliminate paying a "per search charge" for
criminal checks using OJIN's online database. I have called them several
times asking how to use this data, so far, all i have got from them is two
Excel files that are called "PAS File Layout". One is yearly, the other
monthly. These files contain what looks like some type of table layout or
Feild - Datatype- Buffer - Column etc. They did mention using a database,
script & these two Excel files to use the DVD's. I'm beyond lost here!

These DVD's cost us over 2,700.00, so I would really like to get some type
of searchable database setup. I uploaded the first DVD to my FTP, along with
the two Excel files incase someone wanted to have a look. PLEASE HELP. I
noticed each dvd is for each county in oregon, we have 32 county's. Then each
file is for each type of crime, case, disposistion, date, case discription
and judgments etc. They are worded like "JGMFIL" CASFIL" SUMFIL " ADRFIL"
and so on . When you right click on the files and go to properties there is
no extention, it just says "file". OJIN offers no support for this DVD set at
all. I'm not even sure where to start.

Thanks, Josh


Hi there splizzrinkle

Wow quite a situation you have there.

Well I can think of one other problem...sorry.
Access databases have a maximum db size of 2 Gigs I think it is, might be
more on more recent versions. I don't think Access will help u here.

Any way. Are the files maybe comma seperated files. Do they have commas or
some other character that seperates the fields if you look at the text. If so
you may be able to load them directly into a table.
Change the or in this case give them an extension of .csv. You might then be
able to open them directly in access, if you do so access takes you through
wizard to allow you to import the data.

Good luck


I was able to load a few files into Access. These files are seperated only by
blank spaces, no comma's etc. I am more inclined to pay anyone willing, to
create a searchable database with these dvd's. I need 3 things here..
1. All these files trans. to a database
2. A custom searchable form on a webpage for the data that will return
3. A way for our Criminal screeners to read and print these case's.
We need all this done in less than 10 days.

I can provide a 30 gig. ftp to hold 3-5 dvd's at a time for access to the
data, I have the first one uploaded and ready.
I can provide an SQL database, have no idea how much space is provided.
I can provide a domain and hosting for the search page.
These things are already setup, paid for and ready to use.

I work 70 + hours a week as a hotel manager, even if i had time to do this
project, i would never find the time to learn all i need to know to get it


Sorry I'm too busy myself to help you with that.

splizzrinkle said:
I was able to load a few files into Access. These files are seperated only by
blank spaces, no comma's etc. I am more inclined to pay anyone willing, to
create a searchable database with these dvd's. I need 3 things here..
1. All these files trans. to a database
2. A custom searchable form on a webpage for the data that will return
3. A way for our Criminal screeners to read and print these case's.
We need all this done in less than 10 days.

I can provide a 30 gig. ftp to hold 3-5 dvd's at a time for access to the
data, I have the first one uploaded and ready.
I can provide an SQL database, have no idea how much space is provided.
I can provide a domain and hosting for the search page.
These things are already setup, paid for and ready to use.

I work 70 + hours a week as a hotel manager, even if i had time to do this
project, i would never find the time to learn all i need to know to get it

Scott McDaniel

I was able to load a few files into Access. These files are seperated only by
blank spaces, no comma's etc. I am more inclined to pay anyone willing, to
create a searchable database with these dvd's. I need 3 things here..
1. All these files trans. to a database
2. A custom searchable form on a webpage for the data that will return
3. A way for our Criminal screeners to read and print these case's.
We need all this done in less than 10 days.

I can provide a 30 gig. ftp to hold 3-5 dvd's at a time for access to the
data, I have the first one uploaded and ready.
I can provide an SQL database, have no idea how much space is provided.
I can provide a domain and hosting for the search page.
These things are already setup, paid for and ready to use.

I work 70 + hours a week as a hotel manager, even if i had time to do this
project, i would never find the time to learn all i need to know to get it

As someone else said, Access just isn't up to the task, as it's limited to 2 gb and you've got a LOT more than that.
You'll definitely need some sort of large database server (like SQL Server, MySQL, etc). As far as "searchable", what
exact parameters would you want to search?

The data is likely in tab-delimited format (which is why you see "spaces" between the information) and the first order
of business would be to get the information into a searchable format, all in one place (i.e. a database). SQL Server
usually can do a pretty good job of importing tab-delimited files, assuming your build the DTS package correctly.

From that point determine what fields can be searched, and how complex you'd like users to build searches (i.e. can they
use AND and OR, can the use elimination scenarios like NOT xxx, do you want them to be able to drill down to search
records from a previous search, can uses save their searches, etc etc) ... IOW, this is NOT a simple project.

If you'd like, you can contact me at the email address below (remove the NoSpam).

Scott McDaniel

Douglas J. Steele

Scott McDaniel said:
If you'd like, you can contact me at the email address below (remove the

Scott McDaniel

Your instructions seem inconsistent. You'd remove NoSpam from your posting
e-mail, but "the email address below" contains takemeout, not NoSpam.


I am curious as to why a Hotel Manager working 70+ hours would be interested
in doing this.

What do you want to get out of this?

David W. Fenton

As someone else said, Access just isn't up to the task

As data store, no Jet can't do it.

But you can certainly use Access to build a front end for searching,
say, a MySQL or SQL Server Express database into which you've
imported the data.

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