what to do?



I have Microsoft - Office XP Professional with FrontPage
complete with the licence # and key. My cds for this have
been misplaced :( and I am wonder where I might be able
to ge a copy. Ideas?


Oh dear! Maybe if I play dumb these poor stupid bastards will take pity on
me and send me a copy of the CDs to go with my ill-gotten keys!

Sorry if I don't take you too seriously, this kind of post is all too common
from would-be pirates. If you have a legit key and truly lost your CDs,
contact MS and they'll send you new ones at a nominal cost once you show
proof of purchase. If this is just a ploy to get a copy, just march on down
to your local office supply superstore and buy a copy.


yea I never though i bet alot of people try this crap
alot to get free cds .....I dont have proof of purchase
for the program itself because it came pre-installed on
my pc. (i think i still have recite for the pc and its
manuals) My key and licence # are genuinely mine.


So was it pre-installed AND you had cds which are now lost, or was it
pre-installed and you NEVER had cds which you claim to have lost?.. the
installation would have been of the OEM type, in which case you could try
contacting the computer vendor..

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