Thanks Roady for your very helpful response. To answer your question; I put
all files (proposals, budgets, worksheets, invoices etc.) for a particular
project in a folder (& sub-folders of course). At the conclusion of a
project I copy all essential e-mails into that folder as well, this way if I
have to refer back to this project everything pertaining to this project is
in one place. I than delete all e-mails regarding this project in my outlook
which also helps me manage my outlook as well.
By experimenting with the different saving options I noticed that saving in
outlook message format or outlook message format - unicode, was the only
option that included any attachments as well so you didn't have to copy them
separately. Because of this, and also the fact it looks like the original
e-mail, I thought this was probably the best option, but I figured there had
to be a reason the other save as options are given, henceforth my question.
Since I am using OL2007 and my assistant is using OL2003, I should probably
use the outlook message format - unicode vs. the option without unicode, or
doesn't it much matter since it would now be out of outlook? I ask this
because I have noticed the file is sligthly smaller without the unicode
option. Thanks again for your help Roady!