What type of algorithm has been used here?


Egbert Nierop


I'm making a compatibility program (pop3service) for a service that
Microsoft no longer supports in windows 2008 that needs to be able to set
passwords for users that have been encrypted on file.

When the password is 8 chars (unicode) the encryptiondata becomes 18 bytes
in length.
When the password is aaaaaaaa the encryption surely is not -xor- based or
something because each encryption character differs.

I'm using the Crypt* API' calls from Windows.

The public 'authenticationkey' is a GUID (128 bits). Each time when I modify
a character from this GUID, and I recreate a user with the same password,
the encryption data is totally different, but still 18 bytes (for a 8
wide-char password!)
The authGUID can be imported using CryptImportKey.

When I import that key asuming it to be a plaintextblob I can encrypt the
password as well using CALG_MD5 or CALG_3DES_112 but then, the encrypted
data becomes 24 bytes.

Does anybody have clues for me what to try next? (there is no public/private
key algorithm, I'm sure because the Pop3service from microsoft, does not
support that)

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