I am redoing a policy manual; however, this manual will be huge and will need
to be available via tablets for quick access by firefighters. So they will
need to be able to review the table of contents quickly and go straight to
the page they need.
My new boss says (though he doesn't know anything about it) that there is a
way in MSWord to develop something similar to the worksheets in Excel. I'm
wondering if anyone knows what he is talking about.
I've got a master document and subdocuments started but I don't like they
way it is portrayed in the document with the links. It seems hard to read.
Maybe I'm doing something wrong.
Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
to be available via tablets for quick access by firefighters. So they will
need to be able to review the table of contents quickly and go straight to
the page they need.
My new boss says (though he doesn't know anything about it) that there is a
way in MSWord to develop something similar to the worksheets in Excel. I'm
wondering if anyone knows what he is talking about.
I've got a master document and subdocuments started but I don't like they
way it is portrayed in the document with the links. It seems hard to read.
Maybe I'm doing something wrong.
Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.