Office '07 is productivity catastrophe. If anyone's seen "Idiocracy" the new
ribbion menu is like the nurse's keypad. Every useful and easily accessable
feature has been converted into some kind of alien/terrorizer pictography.
In addition, workflow has been cattle-gated into some kind of 7-step start to
finish tab progression that fits the pictograph scheme. In MS's defense this
tactile/visual Ancient Egyptian experience more understandable to "new
users",...like, who? Who on this planet is "new" to MS Office? I guess my
question is, how is the professional community going to get it's lost hours
ribbion menu is like the nurse's keypad. Every useful and easily accessable
feature has been converted into some kind of alien/terrorizer pictography.
In addition, workflow has been cattle-gated into some kind of 7-step start to
finish tab progression that fits the pictograph scheme. In MS's defense this
tactile/visual Ancient Egyptian experience more understandable to "new
users",...like, who? Who on this planet is "new" to MS Office? I guess my
question is, how is the professional community going to get it's lost hours