What would have made an Active X and global area



I am new to web programming. My website is new and on my local machine.
When I go to Preview in Browser the page opens with the active x warning. I
do not understand what caused that.

I have a linkbar at bottom of page but do not remember the active x coming
up with that before. There is a jpg image for the header, which is global.
There is a graphic image on each page in the third of 3 c table. Some pages
have a few more (they are logos).

I think the active x popup started after I put on interactive buttons. I
have each IB in a cell of a table. That table resides in the first cell of
c1 in the main table. I wanted to be able to position my buttons better.
However I inserted an interactive button on another website and it does not
seem to do that.

Tried putting IB and a table in the global area that does not you do
that...what is with that?

THank you for any and all help....Elaine

Stefan B Rusynko

Ignore it on your local PC
- it is a part of the new Windows SP security and will only appear on pages you do not run from a http address that have any
scripting or activex in them

|I am new to web programming. My website is new and on my local machine.
| When I go to Preview in Browser the page opens with the active x warning. I
| do not understand what caused that.
| I have a linkbar at bottom of page but do not remember the active x coming
| up with that before. There is a jpg image for the header, which is global.
| There is a graphic image on each page in the third of 3 c table. Some pages
| have a few more (they are logos).
| I think the active x popup started after I put on interactive buttons. I
| have each IB in a cell of a table. That table resides in the first cell of
| c1 in the main table. I wanted to be able to position my buttons better.
| However I inserted an interactive button on another website and it does not
| seem to do that.
| Tried putting IB and a table in the global area that does not you do
| that...what is with that?
| THank you for any and all help....Elaine


Thanks...this was making me nuts!

Here is another one...the templates include pages that provide for the user
"sending" a message to the site owner. There are submit and reset buttons.
I can find no code behind them. Does that get generated when the site is
published or do I need to put code somewhere. If I do, what and where?

Thanks again


If you are using FrontPage extensions to "handle" the form when it is
submitted, the code behind the submit button is on the server, and will work
when the site is published.
Otherwise, you will have to write (or get) a form handler script written for
whatever technology your host supports (ASP, asp.NET, PHP, Perl/CGI etc.)
This script will have to be uploaded (and possibly installed) to the server.
The RESET button has no extra code to worry about.

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