What would you do if you lost your webmaster?


Ken Crouse

I volunteer time as the secretary of a non-profit / public benefit
corporation with a realatively small membership of Marines who were all
stationed in Vietnam at the same time. We (I should say, one of our members)
started working on our website in 1995 and continued to serve as its
webmaster until he passed away a couple of weeks ago.

I don't know anything about FrontPage, but know it was the software that he
was using.

We have a couple of members who have volunteered to help out, but we're
really starting from square one in taking over a pretty well developed

Any suggestions?

I see where FrontPage costs about $200 for the full package as none of our
members have existing products that would allow them to purchase an upgrade.
Does anyone know if there are discounts on the price of the sftware available
for non-profits?

Glad to provide more specifics upon request.

Thank you...

Kathleen Anderson [MVP - FrontPage]

You might try Techsoup for a discounted copy of FrontPage 2003:
http://www.techsoup.org/ Powered by CompuMentor, one of the nation's oldest
and largest nonprofit technology assistance agencies, TechSoup.org offers
nonprofits a one-stop resource for technology needs by providing free
information, resources, and support.

Ruth Allen

Dear Ken,

I'm sorry to hear about your webmaster. I know you don't know me, but I
would like to help you and your group of veterans (no charge :). Give me
the address of your website so I can check out the layout for you.

I design and work on FrontPage extensively and maintain sites for my
customers until they are able to do it alone. Although You may not be
comfortable giving me access to your site (and you should never give out
secure info to strangers), we can work out something that doesn't require you
to give out secure info.

First, let's get you a copy of the FrontPage software. Go on the
Microsoft.com/office and get a trial copy of Office 2003 with FrontPage (or
just FrontPage 2003). You'll be able to use the full version of FrontPage
for a trial period while you prepare to purchase or obtain a previous version
or (don't go lower than version 2000).

Let me know what you decide to do and if you want my help. Feel free to
contact me via email: (e-mail address removed).


Andrew Murray

I think Microsoft has a program whereby software is donated (by application
to Microsoft) to non-profit groups such as churches and charity
organisations. It may not be applicable in your case, but there's no harm
in investigating the possibility.

The link below applies specifically to the program in Australia, but no
doubt there'd be similar programs in other countries.


Rob Giordano \(Crash\)

There are discounts for non-profits 501(c)(3)


Maybe the above link will lead you somewhere useful.

|I volunteer time as the secretary of a non-profit / public benefit
| corporation with a realatively small membership of Marines who were all
| stationed in Vietnam at the same time. We (I should say, one of our
| started working on our website in 1995 and continued to serve as its
| webmaster until he passed away a couple of weeks ago.
| I don't know anything about FrontPage, but know it was the software that
| was using.
| We have a couple of members who have volunteered to help out, but we're
| really starting from square one in taking over a pretty well developed
| website.
| Any suggestions?
| I see where FrontPage costs about $200 for the full package as none of our
| members have existing products that would allow them to purchase an
| Does anyone know if there are discounts on the price of the sftware
| for non-profits?
| Glad to provide more specifics upon request.
| Thank you...
| --
| Ken Crouse
| Folsom, CA

Anne Troy

Like Ruth, I'm willing to help out my (fellow) vets. You can contact me at
my first name at the website below my name. My husband and I also have, I
believe, a stand-alone version of FP2000 floating around here that is
probably up for grabs and we'll ship priority mail.
Hope it helps!
Anne Troy

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