It only works (sporadically) with Exchange. Message recall seldom works
over the Internet.
Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without
After furious head scratching, Frazer Snowdon asked:
| Thanks for your help, both of you.
| I understand that with Outlook you can get back an e-mail you've
| sent, as long as it hasn't been diwnloaded from the server at the
| other end. Is this true?
| "Kooster" wrote:
|| Start here:
|| _ PJK _
|| "Frazer Snowdon" wrote:
||| Hi!
||| I've been told that I should start using Outlook, rather than
||| Outlook Express.
||| What are the benefits of Outlook over OE?
||| Thanks in advance.
||| Frazer