What's happened to the Sign In button for MS Discussion groups?



I don't see the Sign In button anymore on the MS Discussion groups pages.
I'm only able to sign in through a convoluted method. Anyone else
experiencing this, and what's the fix?


John W. Vinson

I don't see the Sign In button anymore on the MS Discussion groups pages.
I'm only able to sign in through a convoluted method. Anyone else
experiencing this,

I've heard the complaint.
and what's the fix?

Don't use the webpages at all. Most of the MVP's and other regulars use an
NNTP newsreader pointed to msnews.microsoft.com; you can use Outlook Express,
Windows Mail, or a third-party newsreader such as Agent (www.forteinc.com).

My understanding is that the signin (if you really want it) will pop up when
you try to post a reply or a new message, but I avoid the site so I'm just not

John W. Vinson [MVP]

Jerry Whittle

I know the feeling. I've been having problems for about a week now. Duane
Hookom told me what is probably the same convoluted method that you are
using. On the plus side, it isn't asking me for information each time I
answer a question.

Hopefully those responsible for these forums are working on it.

Tom Wickerath

Hi Patrick and Jerry,

I've been having the same problems as well. On the positive side, I'm no
longer getting that very annoying prompt concerning re-direction every time
one would click on the link in the notification e-mail message that reads
"Click this link to continue receiving notifications for this thread."

Also, the "Notify me of replies" link in the upper right corner *finally*
started working again. It's been out of commission for nearly a year (worked
fine before that). I suspect that it was still working all along, but for the
last year or so, one would get a notification failed message when clicking
that link. So, two steps forward, one step backwards....<sigh>

Tom Wickerath
Microsoft Access MVP


Thanks John for the tip.


John W. Vinson said:
I've heard the complaint.

Don't use the webpages at all. Most of the MVP's and other regulars use an
NNTP newsreader pointed to msnews.microsoft.com; you can use Outlook Express,
Windows Mail, or a third-party newsreader such as Agent (www.forteinc.com).

My understanding is that the signin (if you really want it) will pop up when
you try to post a reply or a new message, but I avoid the site so I'm just not

John W. Vinson [MVP]


Thanks Jerry.


Jerry Whittle said:
I know the feeling. I've been having problems for about a week now. Duane
Hookom told me what is probably the same convoluted method that you are
using. On the plus side, it isn't asking me for information each time I
answer a question.

Hopefully those responsible for these forums are working on it.


Thanks Tom.


Tom Wickerath said:
Hi Patrick and Jerry,

I've been having the same problems as well. On the positive side, I'm no
longer getting that very annoying prompt concerning re-direction every time
one would click on the link in the notification e-mail message that reads
"Click this link to continue receiving notifications for this thread."

Also, the "Notify me of replies" link in the upper right corner *finally*
started working again. It's been out of commission for nearly a year (worked
fine before that). I suspect that it was still working all along, but for the
last year or so, one would get a notification failed message when clicking
that link. So, two steps forward, one step backwards....<sigh>

Tom Wickerath
Microsoft Access MVP

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