What's the benefits of splitting database.




I have a new database and about to secure it, but I heard
alot about splitting database to FE and BE. I am thinking
about splitting it, but wonder what are the benefits of
splitting it.
I am running Access 97 and the database will be shared by
other users in a network drive. Thanks

Rick Brandt

Cameron said:

I have a new database and about to secure it, but I heard
alot about splitting database to FE and BE. I am thinking
about splitting it, but wonder what are the benefits of
splitting it.
I am running Access 97 and the database will be shared by
other users in a network drive. Thanks

Off the top of my head...

Multiple users in the same front end can often lead to performance and
corruption problems. Giving each user their own copy solves that.

When each user has his own copy of the front end it can be on a local drive
instead of on the network. This increases performance some more.

You can work on a development copy of the front end and not need to "kick
everyone out" while you do so.

It is possible for your development file to be an MDB while the file you
distribute is an MDE. Thus protecting your code and object design from

Updating to new front end versions is as simple as deleting the old one and
installing the new one. The data is never affected since it is in a
separate file.

You can more easily distribute different front ends (containing different
objects) to give different users access to different forms and reports,
etc., even though they are linked to a common back end file.

I'm sure there's a few more, but that's all I can come up with for now.


Hello Rick,

First, thanks for your explanation. You suggested
splitting is a good idea. To further understand the
process in securing the database, can you tell me the
following sequences are correct.
1) Create a new workgroup (place in a network drive
2) Create the database with all the tables, queries,
forms, etc.).
3) Split into FE and BE. Change the FE file into an MDE
4) Apply security to the FE and BE.
FE - create users permission to access the forms and
reports only for data entry.
BE - no users can access or modify tables.
5) Place the BE in a network drive folder. send out the FE
to copy to users PC drive.

Please let me know if these steps are correct. Thanks

Bruce M. Thompson

Please let me know if these steps are correct. Thanks

First, split your application.

Splitting your Microsoft Access MDB into a front end and back end

Then, get a copy of the Access Security FAQ and read it thoroughly (you will
need to secure both the front-end and the back-end files separately, but using
the same workgroup file). The FAQ is available at
http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?kbid=207793. You must follow the steps
in the FAQ to the letter to ensure proper implementation.

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