What's the catch? -- Great offer on Office XP Standard Full



I found a company (www.salesintl.com) offering Windows Office XP Standard
full edition for $119.99 -- they say it's not an OEM, Academic, Trial or Not
for Resale software. What's the catch here? Or is it legit? TIA. :)

John Ski

Subject: What's the catch? -- Great offer on Office XP Standard Full
From: "JR" (e-mail address removed)
Date: 6/9/2004 3:22 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Message-id: <[email protected]>

I found a company (www.salesintl.com) offering Windows Office XP Standard
full edition for $119.99 -- they say it's not an OEM, Academic, Trial or Not
for Resale software. What's the catch here? Or is it legit? TIA. :)
Not being psychic there's no way for anyone to know for sure. However, XP is
officially "obsolete" with the intro of Office 2003. Perhaps someone got caught
with a bunch of copies and is dumping them.
(Yes, I know Office XP is still supported by MS, thank you, but it can no
longer be sold thru the normal distribution channels.)

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic"
***Arthur C. Clarke***

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