What's the difference between "Available Style" and "AvailableFormatting"


word editor

When using the Styles and Formatting function in Word, what is the
difference between showing the "Available Styles" and showing the
"Available Formatting"? And what determines if a style is saved under
the Available Styles view or Available Formatting view?
Is it better to always use one view or the other?

Suzanne S. Barnhill

"Formatting" is just that. If you don't have "Keep track of formatting"
enabled on the Edit tab of Tools | Options, you won't even see the
pseudo-styles such as Normal + Bold, Heading 1 + 14 point, etc. This was a
dubious innovation in Word 2002 to allow users to apply consistent
formatting to paragraphs without having to apply or define a style. Using a
style is preferable, however.

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