well I guess I deleted a bunch of files to install an old
patch that would keep my game from crashing to the
desktop, which didn't work at all. I created a system
restore point before I did that, thinking it would backup
all my files. Well it turns out office xp with frontpage
is missing, so I cant use any of my office xp programs
like microsoft word, excel, etc. Everytime I open a
program it asks me to install office xp with frontpage
from a disk, which I dont have. Is there anyway I could
reinstall office xp with frontpage from a download or
patch that would keep my game from crashing to the
desktop, which didn't work at all. I created a system
restore point before I did that, thinking it would backup
all my files. Well it turns out office xp with frontpage
is missing, so I cant use any of my office xp programs
like microsoft word, excel, etc. Everytime I open a
program it asks me to install office xp with frontpage
from a disk, which I dont have. Is there anyway I could
reinstall office xp with frontpage from a download or