What's Wrong



The following works in a VBA function: "Function Rank(FamilyLookUp as
variant) as variant "
"End Function

strSQL = "SELECT FamilyRank FROM tblAllIndividuals2000 WHERE FamilyID = " &
FamilyLookUp & " & ";"


I now want to order the field [FamilyRank] but this modified SQL statement
doesn't work. What's wrong with it?

strSQL = "SELECT FamilyRank FROM tblAllIndividuals2000 WHERE FamilyID = " &
FamilyLookUp & "ORDER BY FamilyRank" & ";"

Must all VBA SQL SELECT statements end with a semi-colon?

Douglas J. Steele

The semicolon is always optional.

You're missing a space between the value of FamilyLookUp and the ORDER BY

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