when baseline first saved



the baseline is saved two times at the same date . we can know what is the
first date when this baseline had saved ?

Dale Howard [MVP]

Sam --

I have no idea what you mean by the first sentence. Why are you saving the
Baseline twice? Regardless, you can see when the Baseline was saved by
clicking Tools - Tracking - Set Baseline. You can see the date saved to the
right of the Basline name. Hope this helps.


I mean project manager save the baseline 0 at 5 jan 2008 . then after few
months again he saves the baseline 0 at 3 September 2008.
now he is not remembering at which date he saves first time(which was 5 jan
2008). and baseline 0 date is showing 3 september 2008.
how we can find fiirst date when we saved baseline 0 (means 5 jan 2008)

Dale Howard [MVP]

Sam --

There is no audit trail for saving a Baseline multiple times. Sorry.

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