When I block text and press delete, why won't it delete?


M. Minger

Microsoft Word/Outlook 93
For several weeks now, I have had a problem in Microsoft Word and Outlook
e-mail messages: When I am composing text and in the process, I highlight or
block a word of several words of text in order to delete, the highlighted or
block words will not delete when I press the delete key. I have to unblock
and manually go to the words and backspace in order to delete them.

Can you help me?

Jay Freedman

Tools > Options > Edit > check the box for "Typing replaces selection".

Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the newsgroup so
all may benefit.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

On the General tab of Tools | Options, clear the check boxes for both items
that refer to WordPerfect.

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