I'm using Mac OS X Tiger 10.4.8 on a new iMac, and Word:mac 2004. All
updates have been applied religiously.
Not every formatting change (e. g., larger font, bold/underline, different
typeface) in my current working document needs to be assigned a style, so
sometimes I just need to change something about an isolated line or
paragraph or list item. Let's say I have a 1-line paragraph that I change
to Symbol typeface; the whole document changes to Symbol. Same thing
happens when I change a paragraph format (moving the left margin, indenting,
setting tabs, whatever). When I perform an UNDO, I'm where I need to be;
Word undoes the autoformat just applied to the whole document and lets my
change remain. But I shouldn't have to perform an UNDO after every,
isolated format change.
I've been to the web version of the newsgroup and found some recommendations
related to unchecking Automatically Update in the Normal style, unchecking
some of the preferences related to AutoCorrect...I've tried all of those,
and it's still not working. Perhaps I did not do them correctly...?
Thanks, and sorry for the paucity of info.