When I click on my cell, it directs to me an email form..........w



I have this formula in a column of cells: =+$H3-@Sum(I3:AB3)

Now the entire column of cells has the number which is underlined and when I
point to that cell the following statement appears:

mail to =+$H3-@Sum(I3:AB3) - click once to follow. Click and hold to select
this cell.

How do I get rid of the mail to deal with these cells?

Confused in Virginia. Thanks for the help.

Kevin B

You have hyperlinks in the cell. Right click on the cell w/the hyperlink(s)
and select REMOVE HYPERLINK from the short cut menu


Thank you very much!

Kevin B said:
You have hyperlinks in the cell. Right click on the cell w/the hyperlink(s)
and select REMOVE HYPERLINK from the short cut menu

Fred Smith

Then take out the @ sign. That's a holdover from Lotus 123. The proper Excel
format for your equation is:


David Biddulph

With the @ symbol in there, Excel thinks it is an e-mail address, so has
inserted a hyperlink. What did you intend the @ symbol to do in your
formula? Similarly what did you intend the leasing + symbol after the =
sign to do? I wonder whether you are using relics from another spreadsheet

Perhaps you intended =$H3-Sum(I3:AB3) ?

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