CyberTaz said:
Apparently you're copying from a workbook set for the 1900 date system
(probably a PC file) & pasting into a workbook which is set to employ the
1904 date system rather than 1900 (probably the Mac file) - go to
Excel>Preferences>Calculation & remove the 1904 check. Remember you're
copying the *date value* stored in the cell regardless of how the cell's
content *appears* based on its formatting. Note that this is a file-specific
In addition to CyberTaz's solution, you can correct the dates in place
1) Enter the value 1462 in a cell.
2) Copy the cell
3) Select the dates to change and choose Edit/Paste Special, selecting
the Values and Add (1904->1900) or Subtract (1900->1904) radio buttons,
then clicking OK.