When I paste from the 'net it shows up in "ivory" color.



All of a sudden, my Outlook 2002 using Word as editor now shows the font when
I paste from the internet in "ivory". What changed????

Pat Willener

There is a little tool that I use that removes formatting from copied
text: http://www.stevemiller.net/puretext/

It sits in the systray, and when clicked on the icon, it removes all
formatting from the clipboard. When you then paste the unformatted text,
it will perfectly fit into the current text formatting in Word.


Almost anything pasted from any site online shows up ivory. I have been
clicking of the Smart Tab and changing it to "Match Destination formatting".
But I have to do it each time. My version of Outlook doesn't have any place
to make this the default setting....at least not that I've been able to fine.

Diane Poremsky said:
what color font does the website you are copying from use? paste will
usually keep the source's formatting.

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]

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Judy said:
All of a sudden, my Outlook 2002 using Word as editor now shows the font
I paste from the internet in "ivory". What changed????

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