When launching Outlook I recieve the following error... please he



When launching Outlook 2003 I recieve the following error:

The add-in "C:\PROGRAM~1\SPAMBL~1\Bin\461~1.0\SBOLExt.dll" could not be
installed or loaded. This problem may be resolved by using Detect and Repair
on the Help menu.

I ran the Detect and Repair and that didn't work. I ran the repair option
from Add and Remove Program in Control Panel and that didn't work. I also
un-installed and then re-installed Outlook 2003 and that didn't work. I'm
running Windows 2000.

Any ideals...?

Vince Averello [MVP-Outlook]

Did you have something possibly called SpamBlocker installed at some point?
Looks like Outlook is trying to load it

Brian Tillman

EZ said:
When launching Outlook 2003 I recieve the following error:

The add-in "C:\PROGRAM~1\SPAMBL~1\Bin\461~1.0\SBOLExt.dll" could not
be installed or loaded. This problem may be resolved by using Detect
and Repair on the Help menu.

WIth Outlook closed, try removing the file %UserProfile%\Local
Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook\extend.dat, then start Outlook.


Thanks Brian... it works!!!

Brian Tillman said:
WIth Outlook closed, try removing the file %UserProfile%\Local
Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook\extend.dat, then start Outlook.


found it and deleted it here: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Exchange\Client

the error came back

deleted extend.dat and it worked!


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