When opening large Word document, how to open where edited last?



I am editing a large dissertation and would like to return to the exact point
where I edited last instead of the beginning of the document. Is there any
way to set Word to automatically take me to where I left off (usually deep in
the middle of the document) whenever I open the document?

Klaus Linke

Curtis said:
I am editing a large dissertation and would like to return to the exact
where I edited last instead of the beginning of the document. Is there
way to set Word to automatically take me to where I left off (usually deep
the middle of the document) whenever I open the document?

You can go back to the last edit with the GoBack command. The keyboard
shortcuts (on my machine at least) for that are Shift+F5 or Alt+Ctrl+Z.
If you want it to happen automatically each time you open a doc, you can add
a short AutoOpen macro to your Normal template:

Sub AutoOpen()
End Sub

If you haven't used macros before:
In the menu, go to Tools > Macro > Macros..., type in AutoOpen as the new
macro's name, click on the Edit button.
Then edit that macro so it looks like the one above.

If you close Word, you may be asked if you want to save the changes to the
global template... Answer "Yes".



Klaus Linke said:
You can go back to the last edit with the GoBack command. The keyboard
shortcuts (on my machine at least) for that are Shift+F5 or Alt+Ctrl+Z.
If you want it to happen automatically each time you open a doc, you can add
a short AutoOpen macro to your Normal template:

Sub AutoOpen()
End Sub

If you haven't used macros before:
In the menu, go to Tools > Macro > Macros..., type in AutoOpen as the new
macro's name, click on the Edit button.
Then edit that macro so it looks like the one above.

If you close Word, you may be asked if you want to save the changes to the
global template... Answer "Yes".



I tried your suggestions but neither worked. Someone also suggested using
the Bookmark feature. I might give that a try too. Thanks for offering to



Klaus Linke

Forgot to mention:
If you're using Word 2007, you're out of luck, since Word 2007 won't save
the hidden bookmark \PrevSel1 any more that's needed for GoBack to work
between editing sessions.
Unless there's some trick I'm not aware of, you'd have to restore that
functionality with your own macros, say, by adding your own bookmark in an
AutoClose macro, and going back to it in the AutoOpen macro.

Sub AutoClose()

If Not ActiveDocument.Saved Then


' The above line might take you back to the next-to-last revision,

' but I don't know how to go to the last revision safely in Word 2007...

' The hidden bookmarks from previous versions, \PrevSel1 \PrevSel2

' seem to no longer be accessible.

ActiveDocument.Bookmarks.Add _

Name:="GoBack", _


End If

End Sub

Sub AutoOpen()

Dim myBookmark As Bookmark

Dim boolSaved As Boolean

boolSaved = ActiveDocument.Saved

For Each myBookmark In ActiveDocument.Bookmarks

If myBookmark.Name = "GoBack" Then


' ActiveWindow.ScrollIntoView Selection.Range


Exit For

End If

Next myBookmark

ActiveDocument.Saved = boolSaved

End Sub


Klaus Linke

Curtis said:
I tried your suggestions but neither worked. Someone also suggested using
the Bookmark feature. I might give that a try too. Thanks for offering

Hi Curtis,

Using Word 2007 maybe? See my other reply on how you could automate that
bookmark idea.

In older versions it should work, as long as you save in *.doc format.
Other formats like RTF and HTML likely (haven't tried) won't store the
information about the place you last edited.

Or you might use some add-in that removes such metadata to avoid privacy
issues (... it might be unintentionally revealing to know which part, say,
of a contract was last edited, which I guess may be the reason why Microsoft
did away with saving that info in Wd2007).


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