Have to admit that I am having some fun with this, perhaps too much.
I changed the Macro so that was only:
Sub AutoNew()
Application.TaskPanes(wdTaskPaneApplyStyles).Visible = True
End Sub
The Macro runs in the template I have (my normal for Office 2007 in Vista)
but only if I open the Dev Tab then select the macro and run it - I was not
able to get the Apply Style window to open when opening Word
Looked around and found the following in another thread: "Can't Get Macro
That Works in Document To Work in Template in Word Programming " from
5/13/2005, the author of the post -Jezebel - which is not Office 2007, but
following the code, I was able to get the Document Map to open on opening
Word my template. Did not want the Doc Map, so I changed it to the Apply
Styles - still not working on opening Word.
The code I found was:
Sub Document_Open()
ActiveDocument.ActiveWindow.DocumentMap = True
ActiveDocument.ActiveWindow.DocumentMapPercentWidth = 20
With ActiveWindow
..View.ShowHeading 2
..DocumentMap = True
End With
End Sub
What makes it worse - my normal.dotx and normal.dotm both have the Doc Map
come up on this Vista machine, even through I have deleted both and copied
clean copies to this machine - also have cleared all macros on the template
by going into Developer (tab), opened Macros and deleted everythign under All
Active templates and Macros in the Macros in: drop down.
How do I really clear the Document Map from Document_Open() and how do I get
the Apply Styles in my normal template? ANd should I be dinking that much
with the Normal?