when printing from Outlook I receive an error message



When I attempt to print an e-mail message from my inbox I receive an Error
which reads: Error
A runtime erro has occurred
Do you wish to Debug?
Error: Unspecified Error

Yes No

when I press yes nothing happens except I hear a warning ping

Rainald Taesler

Ascot shared these words of wisdom:
When I attempt to print an e-mail message from my inbox I receive an
Error which reads: Error
A runtime erro has occurred
Do you wish to Debug?
Error: Unspecified Error

Yes No

when I press yes nothing happens except I hear a warning ping

Which version of ON?
Which mail-program (version)?

ON 2007 is not compatible with Outllok 2003. It needs Outllok 2007 and
still has problems wit thath (quite normal for a beta).

Sending mail from ON 2007 works really fine, however, with Outllok


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