when publishing home page changes from .htm to .html extenstion



When I publish to my remote server FP changes the home page from a .htm
extension to a .html extension. Does anyone know why this happens and is
there an advantage to this?

Thank you

Steve Easton

It's done because the server requires .html to be the "Default" extension for the home

This is normal.

In your local web, rename the file to index.html and let FrontPage update the links when

Then republish your web.

Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
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At my old host, FP did not change the extension from index.htm to index.html.
I prefer to keep the .htm extension. Is there anyway I can prevent FP from
changing .htm to .html when I publish?

Thomas A. Rowe

You have to have your host set the first default document to have the .htm extension.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
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